Total Wordcount: 36, 864
(includes the part written before SocNoc - 4143 words)
Percentage: 65.4%
Today's effort = shameful. I woke up early to watch the eclipse but could not settle to write and as today is my long day at work - I finished after 9pm, I have just spent the last two hours fluffing around on the interweb and managed a grand total of maybe 100 words. It's just not flowing because I'm too tired to concentrate.
So I believe it is time for bed.
Here's some photographs of mailboxes:
The first was taken in Cairns, the second in the Daintree (yes, it's a microwave), Queensland, Australia.
The third was on the way to work (you really don't want to see the house it's standing in front of. Let's just say they're taking "open plan living" to a new level) and the whale was on Kauai'i, Hawaii.
I also photographed the mailbox outside my old flat - painted up pretty by my flatmates. But alas the weather and neglect have taken their toll and it's a bit shabby now. Their neighbour's brick box was cracked in half!
I also photographed the mailbox outside my old flat - painted up pretty by my flatmates. But alas the weather and neglect have taken their toll and it's a bit shabby now. Their neighbour's brick box was cracked in half!
(These have nothing at all to do with my story. Nothing whatsoever. I'm just participating in a mailbox ATC photoswap on AFA and I wanted to put something marginally interesting here)
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