Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Roleplaying Geekdom

As you may have noticed, I've been quiet for a few days. Why, you may ask?

I've been away. For a weekend of gaming debauchery (well, does role-playing count?) followed by plenty of exercise walking Wellington and then becoming a feeding platform for Red Pandas.

Those of you interested in my role-playing endeavours - I played a swashbuckling fop in the innapropriately named "Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies" where I neither got in a sword fight nor took to the skies but instead chased clues around a grungy town in which my companions attacked and killed someone before they even knew he was guilty. In another session, I got to play the sensible (disappointingly) human best friend to a girl who fell in love with a faerie in a Twilight-and-all-other-things-popular parody (which was exceedingly fun) and concluded day one with a rather disappointing RPing-game-cum-board-game that I ended up walking out of early so as to play a half-crazy Treespeaker in a live-action RPing game (in which I discovered my long lost brother and didn't get my brain dissected). Day two held rather more promising games in which I played - a cute little girl with her bunny, Berry, who was evacuated with her family and friends during the war and ended up trapped in an ex-soldier's subconscious; a warty white rat and finally a totally kick-as martial artist who wound up with 3 P-kills. That game was awesome!

Anyhow, as you can guess, I have not had a vast amount of time for art.

However, I did finish up my next baby name plate:

I suppose if they really want I can put the other three letters in front. Just realised this cross-posts to my Facebook and the parents of this particular bairn might see it. Oh well... I'm sure they're too busy looking after the wee fellow to look at every single post.

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