Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Crow Bar

Back in 2007 or so, when I was first making ATCs and what-not, I joined a "Black Birds" swap, There are always swaps involving crows circulating on the ATC forums. Personally, I don't really like crows that much as an artistic subject - they're hard to draw and difficult to colour. Anyhow, I made up this image that formed into 6 atcs:

For the recent Summer Solstice (*coughs* it's midwinter here in NZ) Swap, I decided to redraw the image, to see how much my art had improved. This one was not cut into 6 atcs, so I did not have to be quite so precise at the bird placement. My bird anatomy has definitely improved, although unfortunately the scanner washed out some of the pale blues in the sky. I changed one of the bird's species too, as I was bored of colouring black.

The birds are: black-throated magpie-jay, blue jay, rook, crow, Eurasian jay, hooded crow and green magpie. Also threw in a few obligatory puns for fun.

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