Today's card is "Nature Goddess". This was designed for Amerasu as a "hostess gift" for the Spring PAT. I wanted to base it off her, but she's camera shy and had not uploaded a clear photo, so I chose instead to base it - very loosely - off a picture of her eldest daughter. I am assuming like mother, like daughter, right? The flowers are passionvine flowers.

The other card was a hatching egg. It was part of a PIF (Play it Forward) started by Spiritfingers - she of the cards-with-moving-parts. The concept was that we would send an egg that opens up to reveal a infant. We had to offer it with a hint at what was inside the egg.
Mine was:
"Who would like a cute little mutant from me?"
And here he is:

Soon to come - cards for one-on-one trades with Miss and AvaElizabeth.
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