Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chimeras for Armageddon

Every year I attend the Armageddon convention for my mundane job. And every year I gaze longingly at the DeviantArt table. For they have a selection of artists, doodling away and increasing both their awareness and their fanbase - if not their wallets.

Well, this year will be different. I'll still probably be sitting at the table for my mundane job, selling consumer products at very reasonable prices, but at the Deviantart table, some of my work will be up for sale.

I'll be selling original Chimera Art Cards at $10 apiece. Here's the first three that will be up for sale - all suggested and doodled as part of my "chimerathon""

Giraffe + Peacock

Turkey + Pig + Cranberries

Sunflower + Bulldog + Rockhopper Penguin

And should you be interested in these, what does not sell (Which will be all of them, for sure) will be available for trade in late April/Early May (after my Honeymoon).

And I shall end this note with a moment of silence for lovely Fiona Casey, who passed away on thursday night, aged only 32. You will be greatly missed, my dear, for your strength, your enthusiasm and your love of life. May you rest in peace.

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