Monday, April 16, 2012

Show not tell

I'm editting "Midsummer Knight's Quest" for the manyeth time, and although I set out to merely align the pages correctly and so forth, I have started editting parts of it again.

Take for example, this passage:

Dirk awoke to find himself stark naked, bound wrist to ankle and in some sort of spherical metal tub. To make matters worse, a demented dog-ape was attempting to force an apple down his throat. His head throbbed and his nostrils burned with the stink of smoke. The hideous face loomed closer, round piggy eyes buried amongst rolls of saggy flesh. Between its naked floppy ears rested a stained cook’s hat and about its swollen body was wrapped a plastic apron, declaring to the world the frightening request: “Kiss the Cook.”

Well, I decided that it was just a wee bit blah, needed spicing up a bit, and thus I rewrote it:

Dirk woke in smoky gloom. Something was pressing against his mouth, something cool and solid. He was hot, so hot, and his head burned with pain. Struggling to uncurl himself, he found he couldn't. His hands and feet were bound. Together. He struggled, feeling his fingers brush against his flesh. I'm naked, he realised. No, not quite, they've left my underwear and socks. Where am I? His back butted against a curving metal wall. It was warm to the touch. Warm, but getting hotter.

I'm in a gigantic pot! He realised, struggling harder.. Something's trying to cook me alive!

Calm down, din-dins,” came a guttural, male voice and Dirk looked up into the hideous face of a demented dog-ape. It leered doan at him, round piggy eyes buried amongst rolls of saggy flesh. Between its naked floppy ears rested a stained cook’s hat and about its swollen body was wrapped a plastic apron, declaring to the world the frightening request: “Kiss the Cook.”

And this is how you improve your wordcount!
And also why I may never get this jolly book finished...

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